General Council Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. Officer’s meetings are the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.. All Meetings will be held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and ALL members are invited to both.
Lenten Fish Fry’s
Lent is just around the corner and that means Easter is close by. The Knights will help begin the Lenten season with a tasty Fish Fry in McCready Hall beginning March 7, and every Friday during Lent (except April 4 and Good Friday), from 5:15 pm to 6:45 pm. Help from Brother Knights is needed to prepare, serve and clean up. Setup begins at 4:30pm and cleanup is finished by about 8:30 pm. Bring the family. Your children and wife will hug you for your generosity. And, back by popular demand, FISH TACOS!!! Please join us.
Ultrasound Dinner
Fall Pancake Breakfasts are back!
There will be a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, September 8, after the 7am and 9am Masses. Future breakfasts will be held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Volunteers are needed to prepare the feast. Or, come join us for good food and fellowship. Bring your families!
2024 – 2025 Council Election
The 2024-2025 Council election of officer’s was held June 13 at the last monthly meeting of this Fraternal Year. Congratulations to our new Grand Knight Jim Fitzsimmons as well as all our Officer’s. Please pray for them and support them as they guide our Council through another year. A complete slate of Officer’s is listed here. There are two open officer positions. If you are interested in serving, please contact our Grand Knight.
2024 Golf Tournament Cancelled
The 2024 Golf Tournament has been cancelled. Please check back for future Council fundraising activities.
2024 Golf Tournament
Supporters of the OLMC KofC Annual Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament is June 8th at Superstition Springs Golf Club. Here is a link to a flyer with all the details for players, sponsors, and donors. We will be creating baskets for raffles and auctions as well. If you have anything that can be donated, we can make a basket theme for it.
Thank you again for all who played, donated, and sponsored our previous charity tournaments. Please consider supporting our tournament again this year.
We will be taking registrations and signups after each of the weekend masses leading up to the tournament on June 8th.