Good Friday Reflections

Holy Week CrossDespite Good Friday’s central role in the heart of Christianity, attendance at services remains low. All Knights are encouraged to participate in Good Friday events. By our involvement in these services, and other Easter Season activities, Knights can realize positive spiritual rewards as well as set an example for the Parish community..We have posted a Good Friday Reflection reading to this website for you to download, read, and share with others.  On Good Friday, March 29, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel will offer the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 2:30pm, Stations of the Cross at 3:00pm, and a Commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion at 7:00pm.  Please join us!

Baby Bottle Drive

The weekend of March 2 & 3, our Knights of Columbus Council is kicking off a baby bottle fundraising drive for Aid to Women Center. Aid to Women Center is a Catholic, Pro-Life Pregnancy Center that provides compassionate medical care, counseling, education, resources, and material assistance to women in need. They currently serve 200+ women per week in their three local Centers. Please pick up one of their baby bottles after Mass… fill it with a check, cash, or coins… and return it to one of their collection bassinets before the weekend Masses on March 16th & 17th. A representative is onsite to accept debit & credit card donations. Checks should be made out to Aid to Women Center. Thank you for your support of this worthy organization! Additional information may be found in this flyer.

March for Life Bus Signup

Looking for volunteers and signups for the bus to the Arizona March for Life.  I received an email yesterday from the Arizona State Council on registering the bus we are sponsoring, asking for any open seats, and volunteers to “Marshall” at the event.  We still having over 40 open seats on our bus according to our Sign Up Genius List.  This number may be less however with parishioners signing up directly with our OLMC Respect Life Group. Anyone who would like to sign up to ride there with us can do so via the Sign UP genius at this link:

Lenten Fish Frys!

Fish DinnerLent is just around the corner and that means Easter is close by.  The Knights will help begin the Lenten season with a tasty Fish Fry in McCready Hall beginning February 16, and every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday), from 5:15 pm to 6:45 pm.  Help from Brother Knights is needed to prepare, serve and clean up. Setup begins at 3:30pm and cleanup is finished by about 8:30 pm.  Bring the family.  Your children and wife will hug you for your generosity. And, back by popular demand, FISH TACOS!!!  Please join us.

5th Annual KofC Ultrasound Fundraising Dinner

The KofC Ultrasound Fundraising Initiative provides funding to purchase costly ultrasound equipment for crisis pregnancy centers.  Ultrasound technology allows a mother to see her developing child and recognize the miracle of life within her.  As a result, thousands of mothers have decided to keep their babies.  Saturday January 27th from 6-9pm, there will be a fundraising dinner at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church to support the initiative.  Please join us for fun, and to support a worthy cause.  Tickets are $30/person.   In addition, volunteers are needed to help after each Mass with taking reservations and handing out flyers. Please review the available slots at this link:

and click on the button to sign up. There is also an option to sign up for volunteers needed the day of the event.  Thank you for your support!