On Saturday, May 6th, 2017, 118 Golfers of all ages, gender & ability, converged on the Kokopelli Golf Club in Gilbert, AZ for the 10th Annual Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church / Knights of Columbus Council 6627 Charity Golf Tournament held in Memory of Andy Soesilo for the benefit of The Full Circle Program and other Knights of Columbus charities. The event featured a record # of golfers, numerous corporate sponsors and many enthusiastic volunteers from Our Lady of Mt Carmel, The Full Circle Parents Group and The Knights of Columbus. Several of our sponsors were among the volunteers as well.
The FULL CIRCLE Program is a ministry serving families with teens/young adults struggling with a range of issues that can challenge the very foundation of any household. Our aim is to provide a program that provides families with support, responds to individual needs, affirms your strengths, and, above all, a program that will serve as a safety net so that our children will not fall through the cracks. This Ministry relies solely on donations and does not charge the families for their services and is experiencing great demand and growth.
We would especially like to recognize Fr. Jerome Cayetano, our Council chaplain, for opening the tournament with prayer and for his blessing before the luncheon, Sr. Stephanie & Sr. Maria Alejandra from the Sisters of The Servants of The Plan of God who were on hand as well to assist us in encouraging the golfers to give generously to the effort.
This year’s tournament raised the largest amount of money yet and we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved for their generous gifts of time & treasure. Please remember our generous sponsors and support their business activities. A complete list can be found here.