Knights Support Needed for Parish Festival

We need your continued support to help in any way possible for the Parish Festival on April 18. Please consider helping the council. We have overnight security, parking lot duties, wings booth, and Organ Donor booth.
If you are not sure what you can do, please ask. We have plenty of positions. Some that you can do while sitting.   To signup, send an email to [email protected].

A 40 Days for Life story

Your prayers work!  Here’s an email from our KofC 40 Days for Life Chairman:

I wanted to share a praise report from our prayer this morning in front of Chandler Planned Parenthood. 
A woman came to us on the sidewalk and told us every time she drives by and sees prayer warriors she begins to cry. Her name is Nicole. 
Nicole shared that years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but through medical treatment she is now cancer free. 
Three months after the cancer was gone, she became pregnant. Her doctor, family, and friends told her she needed to end her pregnancy, but seeing prayer warriors in front of Planned Parenthood convinced her to keep the child living in her womb. This child is now a very healthy four-year old boy. She thanked us for being out there praying for an end to abortion. 
We thanked her for her testimony and then she allowed us to pray over her. 
It was a beautiful moment, I wanted to share. 
God bless you, 
Mike Rimbey 

Lenten Fish Frys are back!

Lent is just around the corner and that means Easter is close by.  The Knights will help begin the Lenten season with a tasty Fish Fry in McCready Hall on Ash Wednesday, February 18,  and every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday), from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  Help from Brother Knights is needed to prepare, serve and clean up. Setup begins at 3:30pm and cleanup is finished by about 8:00 pm.  Bring the family.  Your children and wife will hug you for your generosity. And, back by popular demand, FISH TACOS!!!  Please join us.

Council Christmas Party

We have had another great year helping others and deepening friendships. Now its time to celebrate together the birth of our Savior and to be thankful for the friends we have in the Knights. Please come to this years annual Christmas Party.  Saturday December 13, in McCready Hall, after the 5pm Mass. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. An invitational flyer with RSVP information may be downloaded here. We look forward to seeing you and your family.

Light Up for Christ! – Tree Lighting Ceremony

This Tuesday, December 9, is the Light up for Christ tree lighting ceremony. Knights around the world gather as part of the Keep Christ in Christmas initiative by lighting up their parish’s official Christmas Trees. Our celebration will start at 7:30pm. We will have refreshments, Christmas carols, coloring activities for the kids and fellowship as we kick off this Advent season. The tree lighting ceremony will start just before 8pm. We will pray, sing and bless this year’s tree and Nativity scene.

We are asking Knights and their families to please come and celebrate with us and to bring a baked good treat to share. We will be setting up at 6:30pm. See you there! Invite someone!
OLMC Tree Lighting
Festivities and Ceremony at 7:30.
Home by 8-ish.
Bring the kids!

Thank you all for a successful Golf Tournament!

The OLMC Knights of Columbus would like to thank all of those involved, in this year’s event, for making it such a huge success. This year’s tournament far surpassed our prior events, for helping raise funds to benefit our sponsored Seminarians (to include our new Priest, Father Scott Sperry, and Seminarian, Anthony Dang) along with other charitable activities.  A complete list of tournament sponsors is available here. Please remember them for your business needs.  Finally,  we would not be a success without the participation of our golfers.  Thank you again.