KofC Raffle 2021

It is again time for the Annual Knights of Columbus State Raffle.  All prizes are cash again this year and are listed below.

  • 1st Prize $10,000  2nd Prize-$7,000          3rd Prize-$5,000                 4th Prize-$3,000
  • 5th Prize-$2,000  6th Prize-$1,000             7th Prize-$500                   8th Prize-$500
  • 9th Prize-$500    10 Prize-$500

As you know, per Post Office guidelines, we cannot mail out the raffle tickets anymore, but they are available for pickup or delivery.  For delivery, please contact Joe Detiege by text or phone call at 480-772-9300.  For pickup, please call or text Joe at 480-772-9300 to ensure someone is home for pickup.

At the State Council level 50% of the proceeds from sales will be used to provide funding to various Arizona Charities such as, Phoenix and Tucson Rosary Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul and Pro-life activities.  At the Council level the remaining 50% of funds from sales will be provided to St Joseph’s Youth Camp.

Over the last year, our fund-raising abilities were curtailed due to Covid restrictions and our contributions to various Charities have been limited.  The Annual Charity Raffle affords you the opportunity to support a council project and help raise money to support our assorted Charities.  Your participation and willingness to support those in need is greatly appreciated.

Winners need not be present at drawing and will be notified by a State or an OLMC Council Officer.  The winners will also be posted on the State Knights of Columbus website.   Must be 21 years or older to participate.

Thank you for your support this year and previous years. (see full letter from our Raffle Chairman)

Lenten Spiritual Retreat (virtual)

Fr. Jerome will be conducting an online virtual Lenten Spiritual Retreat, Saturday March 6th, from 9 AM to Noon.  If you would like to attend, please click on the following virtual link prior to the start of the event.



More information on topics and any prior materials will be sent out prior to the Retreat.  Knights, Prayer Groups, Parishioners are all invited to attend and participate via the online link.  Please have access to a bible and writing materials for notes.


Lenten Fish Frys are back! – Drive-thru style

The Council needs your help with the Knights of Columbus Fish Frys during Lent.  We will be hosting a weekly Friday “Grab and Go” Fish Meal starting Friday, February 19 and through the month of March, from 5pm to 6:30pm.  The Council will be preparing meals in the kitchen for OLMC parishioners to purchase and will be picked up drive-thru style.  This To-Go meal preparation during the Pandemic is a first for the Council and we need your help to make it a success.  There are two ways you can help:
1.) Patronize the event.  Purchase a meal (or two) to go!
2.) If you are able, volunteer to help staff the events.
Setup starts at 4pm in McCready Hall.  Requirements for personal safety and safe food preparation are stressed during the pandemic at OLMC.  Masks need to be worn and safe distances will be required while working.  Everyone needs to have completed Safe Environment Training (SET).  Access to SET can be found on Our Lady of Mt Carmel’s website.  Please bring your Food Handler’s Card.  If you don’t have a card you can go to https://www.azfoodhandlers.com to complete the short training for your Card.  Cut and paste this site to your browser for the Food Handler’s website. The Council will pay your fee for the Food Handler’s Card training.  Also please bring a cap.  A cap would meet a requirement for working with food in the kitchen. Aprons and gloves will be provided by the Council.  The short training you will receive from the Food Handlers is worthwhile and will fulfill the Maricopa County’s health guidelines for food service to the public.  It is also required at OLMC while preparing food and serving food. Cards are good for three years.
Thank you for your help in making the Fish Frys a yearly success!

OLMC Christmas Tree Lighting

The KofC annual “Light up for Christ” ceremony is Saturday 12/5 after the 5 PM Mass Nativity Sceneoutside the church. The ceremony starts at/around 6 PM. We should be done by 6:30 PM, with all cleanup completed by 7:00 PM.  We are asking Knights to bring a commercial pre-packaged baked good to the Light up ceremony if possible. Masks will be required and social distancing guidelines will be observed.  We hope to see you and your families there!

Advent Retreat

Fr. Jerome will be leading us in an Advent Retreat next Saturday December 5th, starting at 9 AM and concluding about 2 PM. Because of the non-availability of facilities at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, We will be meeting at the NEWMAN CENTER next to ASU. Families are invited.

Parking is available in a parking lot off East 7th Street, adjacent and due north of the Newman Center. You can enter into the Newman Center from the back gate. The address of the Newman Center is 230 E University, NW corner of University and College. We are asking everyone to bring their own food and drinks for lunch. Masks are required and social distancing guidelines will be followed.