Category Archives: Activities
Council Activities Temporarily Suspended
All Council activities have been temporarily suspended in order to help protect our community against the spread of the Coronavirus. Friday Fish Fry’s have been cancelled for the remainder of the Lenten Season. Additional information is available for members and their families on the websites of the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL and WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Be aware that the elderly and sick are highly vulnerable to this disease.
Be mindful of God’s love and mercy in this time of high anxiety and remember to be patient, continue to support for others, and pray for a quick end to the pandemic event. May God bless you, and keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe.
Lenten Spiritual Retreat
Lenten Fish Frys are back!
Lent is just around the corner and that means Easter is close by. The Knights will help begin the Lenten season with a tasty Fish Fry in McCready Hall on Ash Wednesday, February 26, and every Friday during Lent (except March 27, and Good Friday), from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Help from Brother Knights is needed to prepare, serve and clean up. Setup begins at 3:30pm and cleanup is finished by about 8:30 pm. Bring the family. Your children and wife will hug you for your generosity. And, back by popular demand, FISH TACOS!!! Please join us.
Pancake Breakfast
There will be a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 9, after the 7am and 9am Masses. Volunteers are needed. Come join us for good food and fellowship!
Ultrasound Initiative Dinner Dance
We need your help to make this Dinner Dance a success! Proceeds will be used to purchase ultrasound machines for pregnancy centers in the State of Arizona. There are two ways to assist:
1.) Attend the dance, which will be held Saturday, January 25 at St. Andrew’s the Apostle Church. Tickets will be sold after OLMC Masses starting in January.
2.) Volunteers are needed between 5pm and 10pm on January 25 to help make the dance a success. If you are able to assist, please use our SignUp Genius site to let us know when you can work.
Thank you all for your continued support of our Parish and Council.