Council Christmas Party

We have had another great year helping others and deepening friendships. Now its time to celebrate together the birth of our Savior and to be thankful for the friends we have in the Knights. Please come to this years annual Christmas Party.  Saturday December 13, in McCready Hall, after the 5pm Mass. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. An invitational flyer with RSVP information may be downloaded here. We look forward to seeing you and your family.

Light Up for Christ! – Tree Lighting Ceremony

This Tuesday, December 9, is the Light up for Christ tree lighting ceremony. Knights around the world gather as part of the Keep Christ in Christmas initiative by lighting up their parish’s official Christmas Trees. Our celebration will start at 7:30pm. We will have refreshments, Christmas carols, coloring activities for the kids and fellowship as we kick off this Advent season. The tree lighting ceremony will start just before 8pm. We will pray, sing and bless this year’s tree and Nativity scene.

We are asking Knights and their families to please come and celebrate with us and to bring a baked good treat to share. We will be setting up at 6:30pm. See you there! Invite someone!
OLMC Tree Lighting
Festivities and Ceremony at 7:30.
Home by 8-ish.
Bring the kids!

Thank you all for a successful Golf Tournament!

The OLMC Knights of Columbus would like to thank all of those involved, in this year’s event, for making it such a huge success. This year’s tournament far surpassed our prior events, for helping raise funds to benefit our sponsored Seminarians (to include our new Priest, Father Scott Sperry, and Seminarian, Anthony Dang) along with other charitable activities.  A complete list of tournament sponsors is available here. Please remember them for your business needs.  Finally,  we would not be a success without the participation of our golfers.  Thank you again. 

2014-2015 Officer’s Installation

The installation of officers for Knights of Columbus Council 6627 will take place on Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 immediately following the 5:00 Vigil Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Officers, please wear a tie or jacket.  After the installation ceremony, there will be a dinner celebration, as follows

Time:  7:00 – 9:00 PM

Place:  Serrano’s Mexican Restaurant 959 N Val Vista Dr., Gilbert, AZ 85234

·      Cost:  $20 per person, includes dinner, desert, non-alcoholic beverage and gratuity

·      Sign up: (click to RSVP)

Please RSVP in advance so we can provide an accurate count of attendees for the restaurant. See you there!!

Time to Renew Your Safe Environment Training

OLMC Knights of Columbus volunteers must complete the Safe Environment Renewal annually every Jul 1. The Diocese of Phoenix has made this process very easy by providing the annual renewals online. This year’s video is “Created in God’s Image”.

Please visit and click on the “Online Renewal” tab at the top. You will receive a confirmation email when you have completed the renewal.

Thank you for keeping our Faith Environment, a Safe Environment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Beth Jacobson-OLMC Safe Environment Coordinator at [email protected] or 480-344-5228.

2014 Council Picnic – Mark your calendars!

Knight’s Families,

Please join us on Sunday May 18th at 12PM for the annual Knight’s Family Picnic at Daley Park (located on College just North of Broadway). We have reserved the North Ramada (near volley ball net). The Council will supply burger, hot dogs and chicken and utensils. Please bring a dish to pass and your favorite beverage. We’re looking forward to seeing you and your families!