KofC Christian Refugee Relief Fund

Council 6627 has paired with the City of the Lord group to provide a donation to the Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund. The City of the Lord recently raised $814 in donations that our Council is chipping in $186, to make an even $1,000 donation. One of the primary functions of this fund is to help the Christians in Syria who are being persecuted or forced to relocate. See more on this worthy cause at:

Golf Tournament Ticket Sales

We are also starting our Golf Tournament (May 6th) signups this weekend.  At whatever mass you attend, stop by the sign-up table in the Shrine Area to help assist with signups and passing out brochures for the tournament.  Signups will continue after all Mass Times from this weekend through April 29th weekend. As Kevin Saunders from the Arizona Bible class states “Come out and help Golf for God!”. Thanks again to Rudy Gradillas for coordinating this as our Golf Tournament Director this year!

Aid to Women’s Center Baby Bottle Fundraiser

On January 21-22, after all masses, Knights are needed to assist in handing out bottles for the Aid to Women’s Center fundraising drive.  The bottles are handed out and can be filled with change and returned to OLMC the weekend of February 18-19.  Knights will be needed to assist in collecting the returned bottles on Feb 18-19 as well.

Congratulations to Duane Campbell!

On January 5, 2017, our Worthy Recorder, Duane Campbell, attended his 200th consecutive meeting.  Duane is a long-time member of the Council and can always be counted on to support our many activities and initiatives.  Thanks for your support and continued service, Duane.  Congratulations!!!

Welcoming the Sister Servants of the Plan of God

A check for the proceeds from our 2016 Golf Tournament was presented to the Sister Servants of the Plan of God, who will be housed at OLMC and will be helping to support the many ministries of the parish as well as other spiritual and charitable activities within the community.  Welcome to OLMC!  We look forward to having you in the parish family.

Council Christmas Party

Christmas TreeOur Council Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday 12/17!  We will be holding a “Corporate Mass” for all members at the 5 PM Mass and then adjourning to the hall for the Christmas Party.  All Knights and their families are asked to bring a side dish (or desert).  The Council will be providing Fried Chicken, Soda and other beverages.  Brother Knight Jacob Hayton will be helping to coordinate this event.  Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend and if you will be bringing any little ones. Also, please let us know what dish you will be bringing. Children of course are welcome and we are hoping to have a special guest for them… Christmas music, dinner and fellowship with your brother Knights and their families, please come!